Page name: Being Human [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-03-15 21:22:07
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We are different from humans in so many ways, we have been around since the dawn of time but yet we hide in the shadows of darkness. We try and fit in but they are those of us who love the chaos and death. We are vampires, werewolves and ghosts. We try and fit in with the humans, even try and act like them but...if we get too close to a humans, we love they get hurt or die in a bloody mess.


Vampires are created when another vampire drinks the blood of a dying human, then allows the victim to drink vampire blood. Vampires can survive in daylight, although their eyes are sensitive to direct sunlight and they almost always wear sunglasses. They do have a low body temperature, often wearing gloves and heavy coats, even in summer and when inside. They can be repelled by religious symbols, but the effect is subjective depending on the symbol's owner.

Although vampires can survive without human blood, they have an intense craving for it, especially when young. Refraining from drinking blood is possible, but is thought of by most vampires as a futile gesture, and almost always fails. Vampires appear to have both an enhanced sense of smell, shown by vampires recognising werewolves by scent alone.Their physical strength is also enhanced to an unknown degree.


Ghosts are the remnants of a person who has died with unresolved issues, which keep them from 'moving on'. This can be due to the circumstances of their death, or an experience they missed out on in life. When this personal need has been fulfilled, passage to the afterlife takes the form of a door suddenly appearing nearby.

Ghosts are usually only visible to other supernatural creatures, but may develop the ability to sometimes been seen by humans. Ghosts appear in the clothes they were wearing when they died. They may also be able to teleport at will, directly moving from one place to another.

Ghosts that are emotionally unstable may become poltergeists. This can occur when an event that happened while they were alive causes immense trauma, leading to them becoming emotionally angry, vulnerable and unstable. They can then move or smash objects without touching them, the level of the damage or violence being directly related to the ghost's emotional instability.


Werewolves ("Type 3s") only change during the one night a month when the moon is at its fullest. They cannot cross water when in wolf form and can be identified through sight and smell by other supernatural creatures including other werewolves, ghosts and vampires. Vampires have a strong hatred towards werewolves, seeing them as dirty, crude and inferior; this hatred also likely stems from the fact that, whilst changed, a werewolf is strong enough to fight and defeat a vampire.


1. All characters must go here--->Not so human characters
2. All sex must go here--->Not so human sex
3. All non-RP talk must go in () or []
4. Spelling dosen't matter but please no text talk and please use proper english
5. No being mean to each other or you will be kicked out!
6 Anyone can join ^^

[you are all based in Bristol, England, UK.]

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2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Gene hunted for a small prey.

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison looked at him. "im alison." she said still a little angry.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"Nice to meet you Alison. So how long you been a vamp?"

2010-03-06 [shadows of life]: Tsukino sat next to a tree.

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Alison lokoed at him. "well i was turned when i was 24, so i would say bout 66 years." she said.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"I was 28 when they took me, so I've been a vampire for about 67 years."

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison smiled softly.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"I was a solider in the first world war, I died on the battle field and was turned on the battle field as well. Sebastian MacKay was gone but Sebastian the blood thristy was born."he knew Alison would known who he was now, just by the silly name he was given by the vampires. All vampires feared Sebastian because of how many humans, vampires and werewolves he has killed over the years.

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison smirked. "i know who you are. your my idol..." she said blushing softly.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian looked at her,"Idol? You a foolish girl if you idol me. I'm nothing but a cold hardered killer, Alison. Remember that."

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison laughed. "reminds me of my ex. thats one of the reasons i idol you."

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"Why do you idol me?"

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison blushed softly. "well my boyfriend was the best guy i could ever have...until that is he turned me." she said frowning.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian nodded,"I see. From blood bank to vampire."

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison sighed and nodded. "yeah..." she said looking down.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"Life sucks kid but we all move on."

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison looked up with tears in her eyes. "but he asked me to marry him..." she said whimpering. "then he goes off and does that to me?" she asked sobbing.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian sighed,"Look Alison I'm not going to tell you that he might of been scared that he could have killed you out of bloodlust. Or he wanted you as his vampire queen. I am not, really it's not my style. But I will tell you this, he probly wanted you become a vampire, so you could lose yourself because the turning into a vampire changes you. Makes you darker, eviler or whatever. So that's maybe why he did that. To see if your personal would change. Most vampires did that back then, it was like little tests."

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison whimpered.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"I'm only telling you the truth, Alison unlike most vampires would."

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Alison frowned. "well he never mentioned anything to me except right before he changed me he said he hated me and wanted to kill me." she said.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"Then why would he give you the chance at a new life if he hates you and wants you dead? Why not just simply drain you dry, when you where human?"

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison looked down. "he tried...believe me...i was almost gone but he stopped sensing something i guess and ran off before he drained me." she said crying hard.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"And left you in the middle of your vampire turning, huh?"

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison nodded wiping away her tears.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian."Bastord."

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison frowned still.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"Well it's true."

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison looked up. "oh i know it is...but still..." she said laying back on the branch and watching the stars. "this is the only thing that can relax me from those memories." she said.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"What relaxes you? Talking to another killer?"

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison laughed and sighed. "no..watching the stars." she said glancing at them.

2010-03-06 [shadows of life]: Tsukino sighed as he walked.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian looked up at the sky,"I guess so."

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison pulled him down. "just lay down and watch them for a few minutes. i swear it will relax you." she said smiling.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian sighed and looked at the stars,.

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison glanced at him and blushed hard.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian looked up at the sky.

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison smiled. "isn't it relaxing? just makes all your cares and worries wash away." she said.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"Eh kinda."

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison smirked as she scooted close to him and laid her head on his shoulder.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian didn't look at her, just at the sky.

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison kept her eye on the sky. she sighed and sat up quickly.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastain stood up and lit up a cig she took a drag,

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison glanced at him. "so...' she said.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian looked at her,"What?"

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison shook her head. "n-nothing...i gotta go." she said hopping down from the tree and walking down the street.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"Stay out the woods!"he called

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison waved up her hand and did the ok sign.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"Women."he mubbles as he walked back to the woods.

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison went into a little hut at the edge of town and went inside. thankfully it was empty.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian went back to the hut to check on Clarissa

2010-03-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison yawned as she went to sleep.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian walked into the hut,"Doc you really need to learn to control the wolf."he mubbles as he sat on the floor and waited for Clarissa to wake up.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Gene sat at the park with his kitten, has he painting the park scene. Samara was at the book store.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Clarissa slowly turned back into her human self.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Gene petted the cat and keeped painting.

Samara looked at the books.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"Thank god, doc."he said as he stood up.

Clarissa,"God I feel like crap."she mibbles as she stood up naked then she walked over to her over night bag and got dressed.

Sebastian,"You say that at the end for every full moon."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Gene smiled has the cat tryed to paint to.

Samara found some books she likes

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Clarissa,"Yes and everytime I meant."she finished dressing.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Gene paints the people in.

Samara pays for her two books and head down the street

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Clarissa and Sebastian walked out the hut and to Clarissa's car.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Gene's cat messes the paint up at little. "Man cat why you do that?"

Samara held the books close to her heart has she walked

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Clariss and Sebastian got int he car and drove to her house.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Samara hummed to herself.

Gene places the cat next to the now ruined painting and sighs

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Clarissa got out her car and walked into her house after saying bye to Sebastian.

Sebastian walked down the street after saying bye to the doctor.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Samara looked at the ground has she walked.

Gene gave up on his art and decided to head home.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian lit up a cig as he walks.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Samara hummed to herself and walked

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian smoked his cig, the sun was high in the sky so he put on his sun glasses.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Samara wasnt looking where she was going when she bumped into Sebastian.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian stubbles back,"hey you okay?"

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Samara drops her books and bends down to pick them up. "Oh Im sorry. And yeah"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian took a drag of his cig,"Thats good. Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "No no I was the one not looking." Samara stands back up hold her books close.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"It was both our fault."he smiles

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Samara smiles and shakes the hair from her face. "Sure"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"I'm Sebastian MacKay."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "Im Samara. I Dont know my last name" Samara

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"Nice to meet you Samara with no last name."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Samara giggled. "Nice to meet you too Sebastian Mackay"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian smiles.

2010-03-06 [shadows of life]: Tsukino walks down the street.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Samara nods. "Hummm bye I guess"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"Bye Samara."

2010-03-06 [shadows of life]: Tsukino sighs as he looks around.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Samara nods and heads down the street.

2010-03-06 [shadows of life]: Tsukino looks down as he walks.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian walked home as he yawned

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Samara sits by the cafe reading

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian walked into his apartment and crashed on his bed.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Samara reads at the cafe.

Gene after dropping of the cat walks by the woods to think.

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian sleeps.

Clarissa walked out her house after a shower.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Samara reads.

Gene lets his mind drift inot hte woods has he walks.

2010-03-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison yawned as she woke up and walked outside. she put on her sunglasses and sighed.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Gene wrote down his thoughts has he walked.

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: Tsukino was sitting on a bench mediating.

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas walked out of the house he shares with Clarissa and Sebastian. He walked down the street feeling like crap.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Gene walked deeper into the woods.

Samara left the cafe for the store.

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas yawned as he walked to the cafe cause he need coffee.

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: Tsukino open his eyes then sighs as he gets up.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Samara walks down the street.

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas saw Samara as he walked.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Samara still held her new book closely has she walked

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas shrugged then his cell went off, it was Sebastian,"Hey Sebastian."he listened to Sebastian talk.

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: Tsukino walked down the street.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Samara looked to Thomas then back to the ground.

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas,"Hey it's not my fault I did that! It was the bloody curse."he growled. He smelled like dog, natur like earth it's self.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Samara just keeped walking trying not to listen in.

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas,"Fine then next time you leave CLarissa and come and find me. And stop me before I..." he looked around then he whsipered softly,"Kill again."

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: Tsukino passed Thomas then Samara. 'I need my vitals'

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Samara was looking all confused. "Did I just here what I thought i heard?" Samara shook her head. "Nah"

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas saw Tsukino because only SB's could see ghost.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Samara hugged her books even closer.

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: "Why did I leave the hospital" he asked him self as he walked.

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas,"YEah yeah yeah see ya Sebastian." he hanged up on him and put his cell away.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Samara looked over her shoulder back to Thomas.

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: Tsukino looked around for a blood bank or another hospital.

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas sighed,"Bloody vamp."He mubbles softly.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Samara couldnt help but make a look befor returning to her walking

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: Tsukino looked back down when he didn't say any then sighed.

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas looked at Tsukino,"Whats up with you, mate?"

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: Tsukino turned to him. "Nothing."

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas,"You look dead to me."

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Samara hurry down to the store.

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: "I am dead." Tsukino said.

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas,"Yeah, I know. So why are you dead?"

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: "Suicide." He said with a sigh.

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas,"Why?"

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: "I lost every thing at once." Tsukino said.

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas,"I'm sorry."

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: "Thank you." Tsukino said.

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas nodded.

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: Tsukino nodded.

2010-03-07 [Away forever, bye]: Thomas,"laters."

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: Tsukino walked off.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Samara hangs at the park listen to her ipod and exercising

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: Tsukino walked down the street.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Samara nods her head to the music and just relaxes back.

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian ran down the road cause he just got a call off a vampire that has just gone off not drinking blood.

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: Tsukino sigh was he walked.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Samara was starting to dance goofly to the music

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian looked around as he ran but he fell into Samara,"Ahhh!" he fell on her.

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: Tsukino turned to Sebastian.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: "Whoa!" Samara fell to the ground hard. "Ouchy"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian got off her and helped her up as he winced,"Sorry."

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: "Its hummm okay" Samara brushed off the dirt from her backside. "Why were you running?"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"Ummm...vamp has killed like a whole family."he sighed.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: "Oh my. THats horrible" Samara gasped.

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"That's vamps for ya."

2010-03-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [The name of this rp makes me deviate from it...I haven't considered myself human since I was 13 lol]

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: [Well you could be a vamp or a werewolf that loves to kill ^^]

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: "Hey not all vamps are like that" Samara

2010-03-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [My violent side would choose werewolf, and I'm VERY violent right now. Let me see if anyone's stolen my werewolf photo first, it's badass just like me.]

2010-03-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Good deal, I'll make me a werewolf damnit!]

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: Tsukino walks away.

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: [Yay! XD]

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: [-nods- werewolf]

2010-03-07 [shadows of life]: [Yay I'm the only ghost...]

2010-03-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [It's time for me to be feared once more XD last site I was on 95% of them feared me XD My violence was not something they desired to see, nor test my skill XD. That's why there's an open challenge in my profile here]

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: [nice XD]

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: [O.o]

2010-03-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison sighed as she walked in town. She spotted sebastian and some other girl and frowned slightly.

2010-03-07 [MadHatress]: [becareful; people kill roleplays by 'being feared'...]

2010-03-08 [ArtworkA]: Gene holds his paints in one hand and the painting broad hs he walked down the street.

2010-03-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian,"Some are, love. So I got to go and clean up the fuckin mess. See ya." he got up and ran down the street to the house where the vamp killed.

2010-03-08 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison shrugged sadly and walked down the street with her head down. she accidentally bumped into gene knocking his things down. she gasped and frowned. "im so sorry! here let me help." she said bending down and getting some of his things.

2010-03-08 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Dog Fan, that's How I got feared, shall I tell you my record?]

2010-03-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: [go for it XD]

2010-03-08 [ArtworkA]: Gene been down to gather his things. "No no its fine"

2010-03-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastain ran into the house,"Mark!"he grabed the vamp and pinned him to the wall,"You are a a worthless vampire! Now get the fuck out of here while I deal with your mess!"he snarled as he eyes flashed black then he let go of him and watched Mark run out the house.

2010-03-08 [shadows of life]: Tsukino walks down the street and pass thought Mark.

2010-03-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastain sighed and started to clean up the mess Mark made.

2010-03-09 [MadHatress]: [you could, and it's not dog fan, it's deg fan. I'd probably just say your 'record' was an unusual taste for the obscene and gruesome. I wouldn't be feared by your tactics. I'd be pissed at you for killin' my RP lol]

2010-03-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: [O.o]

2010-03-09 [ArtworkA]: [otay]

2010-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison's hand gently grazed his. she blushed softly and took her hand away. "umm...what are you drawing?" she asked.

2010-03-09 [ArtworkA]: "The woods near the park" Gene removes the paintings cover and shows her.

2010-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: alison gasped and smiled. "its beautiful...i love it...your so good..." she said smiling.

2010-03-10 [ArtworkA]: "Thank you. But if you look at the corner there is my cat paw print" Gene chuckled

2010-03-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Record 365 Wins 10 losses and 40 stalemates.]

2010-03-11 [MadHatress]: [okay... wins against what?]

2010-03-11 [ArtworkA]: [I dont get that you Nordavind O.o]

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Clarissa was walking out of Asda, her arms full of shopping bags. She walked into the parking lot and to her car.

2010-03-13 [ArtworkA]: Aiko stops by the coffee house for a drink.

Samara sits at the park reading.

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian finished cleaning up the mess at the house of mudered humans and he walked out the house and called Decker to tell him that the mess has been taken care of and all Decker need to do was call the human cops captian about the news.

Clarissa got to her car and she put the bags on the hood of the car, she fished her keys out her handbag.

2010-03-13 [ArtworkA]: Aiko sat down at one of the tables and worked on his labtop.

Samara read.

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Clariss unlocked her car then she opened the trunk and got her shopping bags out and put then in the trunk. She closed the trunk and got in her car and drove home.

Sebatian sighed and walked downt he street. The vampire are killing more and more humans, it is getting out of control. What is going on in the vampire world? I'd best talk to Decker about this, see what he has to say about this. he thought as he started to walk to Decker's HQ.

2010-03-13 [ArtworkA]: Aiko exits the shop and heads down the street.

Samara closes her book and gets up to head home.

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sebastian walks into the funeral home that belongs to Decker and the vampires of Bristol, UK.

Clarissa parked her car outside her house she shares with Sebastian and Thomas. She takes her shopping bags out the boot of the car and locks her car and walked up the steps to the house. She unlocked the front door,"Sebastian? Thomas?"she called and shrugged when no one answered her back. She walked into the house with the shopping bags.

2010-03-13 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [That's how many fights I've won]

2010-03-13 [ArtworkA]: [oh cool]
Samara sit down on here porch and thinks.

Aiko went to a nearby bar.

2010-03-13 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [VAMPIRESS! *Tackles*]

2010-03-13 [ArtworkA]: [lol Well hello^^]

2010-03-13 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Kabaal took a deep breath as he strolled down the street in a maroon cloaked. His metallic left hand which covered his scared arm flicking it's fingers side to side. So far he'd avoided vampires pretty well, learning that...for some reason they wanted him dead and he did not know why. All he wanted was to exist and be left completely alone. Taking the hood, he'd place it atop his head and sighed.

2010-03-13 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [How are you ^^]

2010-03-13 [ArtworkA]: Samara relaxed against the porch, closing her eyes.[Im good and yourself]

2010-03-13 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Kabaal's senses caught that of a vampire, but he knew by this time it'd be far too late. They'd probably detected him by now, so he just pressed on.

2010-03-13 [ArtworkA]: Samara opens her eyes feeling someone was nearby.

2010-03-13 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Kabaal turned his head slightly, looking half toward Samara, and half forward, and stopped staring at her fully now. He didn't know what was to come of this, so he just waited patiently.

2010-03-13 [ArtworkA]: "Hummmm Hello" Samara slighty leaned up.

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